Leadership Staff

Leadership Staff

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Chairman of Deacons

Jonathan Thomas

Sports For Christ Director

Alex Faulkner

Alex grew up in Cleveland First Baptist, and after becoming a part of Upward sports through coaching the first two years of our program, felt the call to take on the Directorship of the program upon the retirement of Rex Branham. Under Alex’s leadership the program was rebranded as Sports For Christ in the Spring of 2020.
WMU Director

Myra Thomas

Myra leads the WMU (Woman’s Missionary Union) at Cleveland First Baptist Church. She was trained by the late and beloved Mrs. Sybil and works to promote the mission of the WMU which is to remind and encourage church members to give to mission opportunities. A native of the Royal community, Myra has sweet memories of sitting in Cleveland First Baptist Church with her grandparents. The verse of scripture which strongly exemplifies Myra’s calling is The Great Commission, Matthew 28:19-20. Therefore,…
Childrens Sunday School Department Director

Sandra Murphree

Preschool Sunday School Department Director

Becky Pass

VBS Director

Tara Monk

Young At Heart Leader

Waymon and Jackie Pitts

Waymon and Jackie joined Cleveland First Baptist Church in 1975 and have served as leaders of the Young at Heart for five years. Jackie has been very active in our church as a choir member, VBS worker and director, G.A. Leader and as a member of the cemetery committee. Waymon is an Ordained Deacon since 1976, R.A. Leader, youth Sunday School teacher from 1977 to 2004, church moderator and was a member of the vision committee for the new church.…