Prayer For Our Church in March

Prayer For Our Church in March

We want to take the month of March and make prayer for our church a major emphasis. A part of that emphasis begins this week, March 5-9, when we ask each of you to attend a home prayer evening that will be spent exclusively praying for God’s direction in our church life. Please contact us for more information and to sign up for a night to attend a prayer meeting hosted at a church member’s home.

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

1 John 5:14

Schedule of Homes

  • Monday, March 5 – Rick and Nancy Dill
  • Tuesday, March 6 – Delane and Patty Moon
  • Thursday, March 8 – Waymon and Jackie Pitts
  • Friday, March 9 – Bob and Donna Dill
  • Saturday, March 10 – Doug and Brenda Hill

Week of Prayer for North American Missions

Prayer for On Mission Here & Now

Along with prayer for our church, we will also be praying for the On Mission: Here & Now North American missions efforts.

We must not love with words or speech, but with truth and action.

1 John 3:18

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

Our church goal for this year is $3,500. Envelopes for your donations are in the lobby. There are more than 5,000 missionaries across the United States, Territories and Canada.

Because You Give

  • $10 – A missionary can purchase gospel tracts to engage his community in Toronto.
  • $20 – A North American missionary is able to buy lunch and build a relationship with her Muslim neighbor.
  • $50 – A Send City Missionary has a bus fare for a month to travel in an unreached area of his city.
  • $150 – A church plant’s community group is resourced with Bibles, books and other discipleship materials in Oregon.
  • $400 – A GenSend student missionary is able to spend time mentoring underprivileged children in the inner city.
  • $500 – A block party starts gospel conversations in a community in Maine.
  • $1,200 – A North American missionary can pay half a month’s rent for a New York apartment.
  • $2,000 – A new children’s missionary can be resourced with curriculum and equipment in Colorado.
  • $2,400 – A bi-vocational, church planting missionary can receive a seminary scholarship.


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