Past Events (Page 4)

Past Events (Page 4)

Aug 3, 2019

Rico Benefit Concert

Saturday August 3rd, join us for a benefit concert featuring the Southern Gospel band, One Accord! A love offering will be taken up benefiting the Rico family as they struggle with a sever illness in the family. Concert starts at 6PM at Cleveland FBC.
Jul 31, 2019

Children’s Pool Party

All children entering grades K through 6 are welcome to join us on Wednesday, July 31st from 6 to 8 PM at the Blountsville Pool! All children 10 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
Jul 28, 2019

Crosswalk Back to School Bash

Students 7th grade through 12th, join us on Sunday July 28th from 5PM to 8PM at the Branhams for swimming, fishing, four square, capture the flag, and more!
Jul 21, 2019

BBQ in the Park

Join us for bbq, softball, cornhole, ice cream and more in Cleveland Park this Sunday, July 21st starting at 4PM!
Jun 9 – Jul 7, 2019

Crosswalk Summer Pool Parties

June 9th, June 23rd, and July 7th we will meet at a host home for a pool party, games, and supper!
Jun 2 – 7, 2019

Vacation Bible School

This year for VBS we will be studying Faith Kids! looking at children that God has used in the Bible to lead his people! For children having completed K-12th grades.
May 29, 2019

Cookoff Night

Youth will bring an appetizer, main course or dessert and food will be judged by adult leaders. Prizes will be given for the best dish in each category!
May 26, 2019

Crosswalk Sunday Night

Join us for supper and games as we celebrate the end of another school year and get ready for our Summer Schedule to kick off!
May 22, 2019

Crosswalk Night of Worship

Join us Wednesday night, May 22nd for a night of worship for all students in Blount County! Coach Thigpen from CHS will speak and our Crosswalk band will play!
Nov 1 – 30, 2018

30 Days of Gratitude

In November, we are celebrating 30 Days of Gratitude. Each day this month, follow along in the journal with a brief devotional and a place to record things you’d like to give thanks for. This goes along with a new sermon series beginning November 4 where we will be giving thanks for God’s Presence. Join us! Click here to download your journal or pick up a printed copy at the church.
Nov 18, 2018

Community Thanksgiving Service

We are inviting the entire community to join us to give thanks to God for his blessings at 5:00 pm on November 18th. We will have a meal together following the service. We hope to see you all there!